
V 080

Handwritten Diagram or Document
Otryvok montažnoj frazy iz 4-j časti fil'ma "Čelovek s kinoapparatom" (Auszug einer Montagephrase aus dem 4. Teil des Films "Čelovek s kinoapparatom")

V 092

Handwritten Diagram or Document
Simfonija Donbassa. Raskadrovka fil'ma. 1. Schema 1930 (Breakdown of the film)

V 096

Handwritten Diagram or Document
Ob''emnoe izobraženie... (Spatial representation)

V 098

Handwritten Diagram or Document
Moskva 1 Marta 31 g. Vy dolžno byt' slyšali... (Moscow, 1 March 1931. You have certainly heard ...)

V 104.I

Handwritten Diagram or Document
Ja choču, čtoby to volnenie... (I would like it, if the excitement ...)

V 122

Handwritten Diagram or Document
Ni žalob, ni stonov... (Neither complaining, nor moaning...)

V 131

Handwritten Diagram or Document
K proėktu ob organizacii tvorčeskoj laboratorii (Design for the Organisation of the Creative Laboratory I)

V 132

Handwritten Diagram or Document
K proėktu ob organizacii tvorčeskoj laboratorii II (Design for the Organisation of the Creative Laboratory II)

V 133

Handwritten Diagram or Document
K proėktu ob organizacii tvorčeskoj laboratorii III (Design for the Organisation of an Artistic Laboratory III)

V 137

Handwritten Diagram or Document
Tri geroini

V 138

Handwritten Diagram or Document
"Tri geroini", razryvajut na časti ("Tree heroines", scattered into pieces)

V 141

Handwritten Diagram or Document
Tri raboty (Drei Arbeiten)
40 Objects found - Page2 of 4