
V 149

Proėkt organizacii raboty po vypusku fil'mov "kino-korrespondent" (Arbeitsorganisationsprojekt zu den Ausgaben des "Kino-Korrespondent")
Chart in concentric lines. At the centre one can find the crew - the director and the executive producer, then the editor-in-chief, the cinematographer and the text editor. This inner circle is connected to 12 sections, each three belonging to the "front of documentary material", to the "front of literary work", the "front for recording work" and the "front for editing work". The documentary presents an organisational plan for systematic documentary work.
Classification: Handwritten Diagram or Document
Type: Notes
Other publications:
Grafik erstmals abgedruckt bei: Drobašenko 1966, S. 240.
Date: 1941, 1942 (?)
Tapematerial: Photo from Print
Original / Reproduction: Reproduktion