
Pr USS 149

My. Variant manifesta (Wir. Variante eines Manifests)
The famous first manifesto, published in Aleksej Gan's Constructivist avantgarde film journal Kino-fot, covers two pages, each complete with an illustriation. On the first page is the illustration of a "bespredmetnaja grafika" (abstract drawing) by Aleksandr Rodčenko, dating from 1915, on the second is the diagram that is reproduced and translated here, intended to illustrate Vertov's concept of the interval. The item in the collection is an original with perforations, a page torn out of the magazine.
Classification: Press
Type: Article
Journal / Book: Kino-fot
Issue: Nr. 1
Date of publication: 25. August 1920
Tapematerial: Paper
Original / Reproduction: Original
Comments: Vertov claimed to have already conceived the manifesto in 1919, which is why in the subtitle he describes it as a "Variant of a Manifesto". This item is interesting for the connection with the drawing by Rodčenko and Vertovs own drawing in the article about his interval theory.