
V 011

Dziga Vertov. Zdes' ni zgi... (Dziga Vertov. "Here no zgi ...")
Autograph of a poem, below left dated "IX/20g." (September 1920). 13 lines, no arrangement into verses.
Classification: Handwritten Diagram or Document
Type: Poem
Other publications:
Deutsche und englische Übersetzung im Katalog "Die Vertov-Sammlung im ÖFM". Englische Übersetzung von Yuri Tsivian sowie Faksimilie abgedruckt und kommentiert in: Tsivian 2005, S. 33.
Date: 1920, September
Tapematerial: Paper with Handwriting
Original / Reproduction: Original
Comments: The poem plays onomatopoetically with the pseudonym Dziga Vertov - the series of sounds in the word ver is contained in the words 'ver'te' [you (pl.) believe), 'vetrov' [th wind] or even 'dver' [door], among others. The illogical, 'transrational' semantic derivation of names (Russ. zaum') is fully in line with mythopoetic avant-garde poetry.