
D 009

Udostoverenie No. 11001
Confirmation of Dziga Vertov's position as director of the film department of the agit train of the VCIK (All-Russian Central Executive Commitee) on 3.2.1921.
Classification: Document
Type: Certificate
Date: 1921, 3. Februar
Tapematerial: Photo from Print
Original / Reproduction: Reproduktion
Comments: In 1920, at the time of the civil war, Vertov was director of the film department of the so-called agit trains Oktjabr'skaja revoljucija ("October Revolution") and Krasnyj Vostok ("Red East"). The identity card presented here testifies to his activity as "Director of the Section for Photography and Film" in the work if the "Literary Instruction Trains" (literaturno-instruktorskie poezda).