
Kino-Pravda No. 19

Probeg kinoapparata Moskva – Ledovityj okean

(A Movie-Camera Race Moscow – Arctic Ocean)

Issue Daten: May 1924
Video Duration: 17 min 22 sec
Directed by: Dziga Vertov
Produced by: Goskino
Head editor: Anatolii Goldobin
Length of existing print: 362m
Connecting city and country, south and north, summer and winter, peasant women and worker women / Emancipation of women in the USSR

Glossar / Kommentare

Elizaveta Svilova Seen selecting negatives at the editing table from 16:51
Goskino Russia's State Cinema Enterprise. In December 1922, its predecessor, the VFKO, was abolished and Goskino was set up in its place.
Gudok (The Siren) Soviet railway workers' newspaper (founded 1917)
Smychka A political term in Soviet Russia meaning "alliance," most often used in reference to the "alliance of the city and the village" (between workers and peasants)
A Goskino production
Editor: Goldobin
[Complete Inscription:]
Literature for the Village
An initiative of the CAS of Kurilov rayon

[Inscription:] "Mutual Assistance" cooperative
Further information