
Kino-Pravda No. 17

Issue Daten: Mid/End of August (?) 1923
Video Duration: 16 min 12 sec
Directed by: Dziga Vertov
Produced by: Goskino
Photographed by: Mikhail Kaufman
Edited by: Elizaveta Svilova
Intertitles and general plan of the exhibition produced by: Ivan Beliakov
Length of existing print: 339m
Hunger and harvest / The alliance between city and country / First All-Russian Agricultural and Craft Exhibition: On the way to the exhibition, construction work and preparations, exhibits, map of the exhibition, visitors

Glossar / Kommentare

All-Russian Agricultural and Craft Exhibition The opening of the exhibition took place on August 19, 1923.
The All-Russian Elder / All-Russia Starost 
Name suggested by Leon Trocky for Mikhail Kalinin after his appointment as President of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VCIK)
Dal'rybokhota Far Eastern Fishing and Hunting Agency
Smychka A political term in Soviet Russia meaning "alliance," most often used in reference to the "alliance of the city and the village" (between workers and peasants)

"To the All-Union Exhibition" [sic!]
The "All-Union Exhibition" is false – the title refers to the All-Russian Agricultural and Craft Exhibition
11:37–11:39 / 13:30–13:35
"The First Agricultural and Craft Exhibition of the USSR" [sic!]
The "First Agricultural and Craft Exhibition of the USSR" is false – it refers to the First All-Russian Agricultural and Craft Exhibition
Further information