
Kino-Pravda No. 15

Issue Daten: Spring (?) 1923
Video Duration: 22 min 4 sec
Directed by: Dziga Vertov
Produced by: Goskino
Photographed by / Intertitles processed by: Boris Frantsisson
Moving intertitles: Ivan Beliakov, Mikhail Kaufman
Length of existing print: 458m
Against war / Against Gods / Education / Agitation / Sports and gymnastics / Danger of war

Glossar / Kommentare

Disarmament conference The Moscow Disarmament Conference 1922 between Soviet Russia and the "Baltic Entente" (Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Finland). The Soviet Union tried to win the confidence of these states by proposing a non-aggression and arbitration treaty.
Komsomol Christmas In 1922, a Komsomol anti-Christmas was celebrated in Soviet Russia in order to cure the people of their 'superstitious' customs. On Orthodox Christmas day, January 6, 1923, processions were formed including students, members of women's organizations and working class youth, with horsemen following behind holding anti-religious banners.
Living Church State-supported "Renovationists"
Russkij samocvet Russian gem

[Banner:] Now that we have rid ourselves of our earthly rulers, we will go after the heavenly ones
[On costumes:] Growth rates across industries
11:09–11:13 / 11:51–11:53
Temiriazev [sic!] = the correct spelling is Timiriazev.
Further information