
Kino-Pravda No. 9

Issue Daten: August 25, 1922
Video Duration: 13 min 46 sec
Directed by: Dziga Vertov
Produced by: VFKO
Length of existing print: 288m
Congress of the "Living Church" / Opening of the racing season / Demonstration of an American movie camera / Operation of mobile projection units

Glossar / Kommentare

Living Church State-supported "Renovationists"
Portable projector No. 4 ("Peredvizhkino no. 4") Mobile film screening equipment
VFKO All-Russian Photo and Film Section
[Banner:] Support cooperatives, not private capital!
[Banner:] Develop the co-operative system and contribute to women's liberation
[Banner:] The private trader's motto: You cheat, you sell!
[Inscription:] All-Russian Joint-Stock Co. Sovkino Moscow

Further information